
Myths of the Core: The Big 3

by Cary Raffle

Abdominal exercises and equipment have become about the most over-hyped thing in fitness today. People crave the looks of a 6-pack, and talk about a strong core, but these aren't necessarily one in the same. We can all agree on the benefits of a strong core including the ability to generate more power, to work more efficiently, to improve posture and prevent low back pain. Let's look at a few myths.

Myth #1 - Stong abdominals = strong core. Not necessarily. There are 29 muscles that make up the core, many of them are not abdominal muscles. The sidebar to the left summarizes the various muscles and muscle groups, including leg and back muscles. A strong core is really about the ability of these muscles to work together, a process of neuromuscular coordination. Think of the muscles as a 29 piece orchestra. Your brain is the conductor, and your central nervous system is the conductor's baton signaling each muscle.

Myth #2 - Crunches and situps are great core exercises. Partly true. But they work on the most external abdominal core muscles - primarily the rectus abdominus (that's the 6-pack muscle) and external obliques, so you'll miss the inner core muscles. In cases of low back pain, core strengthening is very important - but crunches may be the wrong exercise and actually make the problem worse.

Myth #3 - A six pack is a sign of a strong core. Not at all. A six pack is the sign of low body fat and a well worked rectus abdominus. Its what's beneath the 6-pack that counts.

How should you train your core?

An ideal program will include a base of core specific exercises, and integrate core training into your other exercises in a progressive program. The training program included in your July/August newsletter included 6 great core exercise (click here) , a great place to start. For the rest of your program, you'll want to progress so that your body becomes increasing unstable and required your core to do more work. Here's an example of how to progress a couple of exercises:

1. Seated
2. Seated on Stability Ball
3. Standing
4. Standing on One Leg
5. Standing on Balance Board (difficulties vary).
6. Standing on Balance Board Alternate Arm; Single Arm
7. Single Leg on Airex Pad
8. Single Leg on Airex Pad Alternate Arm; Single Arm

1. Machine
2. Barbell
3. Dumbell
4. Dumbell Alternate Arm; Single Arm
5. Standing Cable
6. Standing Cable 1 Leg
7. Stability Ball
8. Stability Ball Alternate Arm; Single Arm
9. Stability Ball Single Leg

Finally, you'll want to progress to exercises that require you to stabilize as you're moving - walking lunges with a step up to balance, or some more advanced equipment like Kinesis.

Weight Loss Plateaus and Pitfalls

from the American Council on Exercise
Hitting a plateau? It's like running into a wall when, after a few months on a weight-loss program, you suddenly stop seeing results. It's not uncommon. Unless you continually update your program to reflect changes your body has already experienced, you can almost be guaranteed to plateau at some point.

Weight-loss woes

The first thing you should do upon hitting a plateau is try to determine the cause. Could you be eating more calories than you think?
As you lose weight, your metabolism slows down because there is less of you to fuel. While a diet of 1,800 calories per day helped you lose a certain amount of weight, if you've hit a plateau, maybe 1,800 calories is not the amount you need at your current weight.

Exercise your options

This leaves you with two options: Lower your caloric intake further or increase the amount of time you spend being physically active.

The first option is less desirable because you may not be able to get sufficient nutrients from a diet that is very low in calories, and it is difficult to stick to it for very long. It is much better to moderately reduce calories to a level that you can sustain when you reach your goal weight.
The same is true for exercise. Trying to exercise for several hours per day to burn more calories is a good way to set yourself up for failure. Not only does this type of regimen require an enormous time commitment, it is hard on the body, making you more susceptible to injury and overuse syndromes.

To help balance the intake with the expenditure, a good rule of thumb is to multiply your goal weight by 10 calories per pound, and add more calories according to how active you are.
Another means for getting you off the plateau is strength training. Muscle is much more metabolically active than fat; therefore, the more muscle you can add, the higher your metabolism will be.

Get off the plateau

If you've stopped losing weight, the key to getting off the plateau is to vary your program. The human body adapts to just about any circumstance or stimulus; vary your program and you'll likely find yourself off the plateau and back on the road to progress. click here for a downloadable reprint of the full article from the American Council on Exercise.

Ace FitFacts are reprinted with permision from the American Council on Exercise.


I recently attended a series of seminars and completed a certificate in Corrective Exercise Strategy for the Low Back, and will be sharing some of that information below along with an illustrated program for core and corrective training.

Beware ...the Arched Lower Back

Poor posture, especially while weight lifting, is a set-up for a back injury. Injury can be immediate, or cumulate over time. There are for different postural distortions that are most common in people with lower back pain, all of which we look for when we conduct a squat assesment:
- Excessive forward lean at the shoulders/head
- Low Back Arches
- Low Back Rounds
- Assymetrical weight shift at the hips.
...the desk job In my experience with typical gym members, the arched lower back is the most commonly seen problem. If you think about your jobs - sitting at desks hunched over computers all day long - it is not surprising that the hip flexors and lats get tight and the glutes, hamstrings and deep abdominal core gets weak. The lower back muscles can tighten as a result. Pain results, sometimes caused by muscle and ligament strain, sometimes nerve impingement, and sometimes by damage to a disk.
...poor weight lifting technique Lifting weights with an arched back is a recipe for disaster, especially overhead lifting. Ditto for pulling exercises. When the spine is in an arched position there is pressure on the disks which can easily lead to herniation or ruptures. Your powerful pectoral muscles or shoulder muscles may be able to handle the weight, but your disks can't.

Want to lift more weight safely without arching your back? Strenghten your core.

Core and Corrective Training Program for Arched Lower Back

The following are some general guidelines and a training program that applies to most people, a more specific program might be developed following a fitness assessment.

Stretch With an arched lower back, the typical tight or overactive muscles are the hip flexors/quadriceps, latissimus dorsi and erector spinae (lower back).

Strenghten The gluteus maximus, hamstring and core stablizers muscles are underactive and need to be strenghtened and activated. Traditional abdominal crunches can actually work against you here - they can train the external abdominals to active before the inner core muscles.

Click here for an illustrated guide to core and corrective exercises that you can incorporate into your training program.


Improving Your Flexibility: "Reciprocal Inhibition"

If a muscle is tight the opposite muscle is probably weak and extended.
by Cary Raffle

If you're looking to improve your "flexibility" stretching alone may not be enough. When a muscle is tight chances are that the opposite muscle is, in a sense, all stretched out and weak. Your quadriceps and hip flexors may be tight from sitting all day long, which puts them in a constantly flexed position. The compensation is that your hamstrings and glutes are weak and extended. Your pecs and front delts tighten as they turn in to work on the computer or drive, and your rhomboids and lower traps get all stretched out. They might even feel sore. As your inner abdominal core muscles become weak, your lower back tightens and arches putting pressure on your spinal cord and disks. We think of muscles as agonists and antagonists, working in pairs. When a muscle becomes tight, we think of it as being "overactive." If you're only dong stretching of the tight and overactive antagonist muscles, you're missing half of the equation - the weak antagonists.

Many of my clients are familiar with training techniques that we use to work on these problems, especially targeting exercises that strengthen weak antagonists. In fact, many typical office workers should minimize or avoid many exercises altogether because they target overactive muscles. If you've got big, tight calves like me, you probably don't need to work them but you might want to work the tibialis in front of the leg. If your knees turn in, you don't need to work those tight inner thighs but you will want to work on your abductors, gluteus medius and maximus.

There's also a whole area of hands-on stretching that uses the principle of reciprocal inhibition, called neuromuscular stretching or PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) or contract-relax. In this technique, the 'stretchee' activates the antagonist muscle to resist against the stretch, then relaxes as the 'stretcher' gently extends the tight muscle. This isn't something to try on your own or with your workout partner, as there is potential for overstretching and injuring a muscle without proper training.

Two final points on stretching: You should always warm up before stretching. Your muscles respond better when warm, there are actually enzymes released that make the stretching (as well as your workout) more effective. Second, stretch your tight muscles don't waste time on the muscles that aren't tight. It may feel nice but if your quads are tight as could be, chances are that your hamstrings aren't and you don't need to waste your time.


What are you Training For?

Different weight levels, repetitions and sets cause your muscles to develop or "adapt" in different ways. Here's a rundown of what these are all about, we'll review the way to train for these specific goals in the article below.

Strength is the ability of your neuromuscular system - your brain, nervous system and muscles working together - to generate force. A big part of strength is neurological. (We've all seen someone who doesn't look very big but is very strong).

It is helpful to think of two kinds of strength. Maximal Strength is the type of one repetition strength that powerlifters train for. Endurance Strength is the ability to produce force over prolonged time, important for marathoners and most of the rest of us.

Hypertrophy means getting bigger muscles. Fast twitch muscles fibers typically hypertrophy more than slow twitch or endurance muscle fibers. Weight training programs for those seeking hypertrophy need to target the fast twitch fibers. There is also a neurological component, as the nervous system needs to establish a connection to the maximum number of muscle fibers in order to get them working and growing.

Power applies to generating the maximum amount of force in the shortest period of time. The brain, nervous system and muscles work together to hit a baseball out of the park. Training for power generally involves quickly moving both heavy and light loads.

How Many Sets and Repetitions Should I Be Doing?

An exclusive to Your Fitness Newsletter by Cary Raffle.
Gym Science - Ask the guys in the gym how many sets and reps to do and you'll get almost any answer. You'll hear about people who "got big" doing this and didn't get big doing that, or their own personal experience. Or that "it doesn't really matter because everyone is different," and you need to do "change it up" periodically. They may have stories of a body builder they know, but most of us aren't body builders and don't spend the time, follow the diet or take the supplements and risks that a body builder might to achieve results.
Exercise Science - As an alternative, you could turn to a large body of scholarly research on exercise programs published in peer reviewed journals in which all kinds of people - from young athletes to normal healthy adults to the elderly - were tested and results were compared. The studies considered the different goals, summarized to the right, and are fairly consistent in their findings and lead to the following recommendations. The following recommendations for sets and repetitions are from the National Academy of Sports Medicine:

Endurance Strength1-3 sets of 12-20 repetitions @ 60-70% of 1RM* w/0-:90 rest
Maximal Strength3-6 sets of 1-12 repetitions @70-100% of 1RM w/:45-5:00 rest
Hypertrophy (size)3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions @70-85% of 1RM w/0-:60 rest
Power3-6 sets of 1-10 repetitions @30-45% of 1RM &/or up to 10% of body weight w/3:00-5:00 rest

*1RM=1 Repetition Maximum

We all have a different mix of the 3 muscle fiber types, different diets, and our bodies respond differently to training, however, these have been proven to produce the desired results among thousands of people studied in research. Within 4-6 weeks, your neuromuscular system adapts to a particular workout or training regimen, and you experience a diminishing return on your efforts.

For best results, most people should Periodize their training and cycle between 2-3 different phases of training - or different progressions of weights/sets/repetitions within the same phase - on a 4-6 week basis. An added benefit to Periodization is reduced risk of injury; doing the same workout on a long-term basis is similar to working on an assembly line and increases the risk of repetitive motion injuries. For an article about periodization, scroll down through my weblog.

For those of you who would like to read a very detailed and scientific review of this subject, click here to download a copy of the American College of Sports Medicine's Position Stand: Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults.


Keep Your Motor Running: Fuel Before and After Competition

adapted from an article by Jacqueline Berning, Ph.D., R.D
Skipping meals or not eating before a workout can impair performance, and not eating after a workout or competition leaves you running on empty. Make nutrition a priority before, during and after exercise.
The Pre-Exercise Meal First it keeps you from feeling hungry and sluggish before and during exercise, and secondly it helps to maintain optimal levels of energy for the exercising muscles. A good recommendation is to eat a meal 2-4 hours before exercise. The ideal pre-exercise meal should be primarily carbohydrates, moderate in protein and low in fat. Carbohydrates are digested rapidly. Protein and fat take longer to digest. Pre-exercise meals high in fat can cause stomach upset, gas and bloating.
The Post-Exercise Meal Muscles are most receptive to recovery during the first 30 minutes after exercise. To completely restore muscle energy, eat within 30 minutes after exercise and then eat small meals at 2 hours and again at 4 hours. If you can't take solid foods 30 minutes after exercise, or they are not available, try drinking 2-4 cups of a sports drink or eating an energy bar, then eat more solid foods 2 and 4 hours later.
Be sure to hydrate after a workout or game. Weigh yourself and drink 3 cups of fluid for each pound lost during the competition.
The same kind of high-carbohydrate, power-packed foods are recommended for BOTH before and after exercise:
4 or more hours before AND 4 hours after
Grilled chicken/rice/fruit
Turkey sandwich/raw carrots
Spaghetti with meat sauce
String cheese/grapes/crackers
Energy bar/Sports drinks
2-3 hours before AND 2 hours after
Cereal/lowfat milk
Fresh fruit
Bagel with peanut butter
Sports drink
Energy bar
1 hour or less before AND 30 minutes after
Energy bar
Sports drink
To read the full article at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, click here.

Plyometrics: Controlled Impact/Maximum Power

The Eastern Europeans first used plyometrics in the 1970s to develop greater strength and power in their Olympic athletes. They based their programs on scientific evidence that stretching muscles prior to contracting them recruits the ''myotactic'' or stretch reflex of muscle to enhance the power of contraction. This prestretching of muscles occurs when you perform jumps one after the other.

One study found that participants in a well-designed program of stretching, plyometric training and weight training reduced their landing forces from a jump by 20 percent, and increased their hamstrings strength by 44 percent. Both of these factors contribute to reducing an individual's potential risk of injury.

A safe and effective plyometric program stresses quality, not quantity of jumps. Safe landing techniques, such as landing from toe to heel from a vertical jump, and using the entire foot as a rocker to dissipate landing forces over a greater surface area, also are important to reduce impact forces. In addition, visualization cues, such as picturing yourself landing ''light as a feather'' and ''recoiling like a spring'' after impact promotes low-impact landings.

If you are considering plyometrics, proceed with caution. Carefully considering the type of jumps selected for the program, enlisting a coach or trainer for supervision, and gradually increasing to more difficult exercises can make a plyometric program both safe and effective.

You can contact me for more information, and read the full story from the American Council on Exercise by clicking here.


Learning from Losers

For the past dozen years, researchers Rena Wing, Ph.D., and James Hill, Ph.D., tracked about 6,000 people in their National Weight Control Registry: Participants lost at least 30 pounds and maintained that for at least a year. (The average is 70 pounds off and for six years.) The successful losers didn't turn to wacky eating plans, fad diets, or extreme measures like gastric-bypass surgery. Instead, what worked was common sense-they modified their diet and increased their physical activity to change their caloric balance.

Most people who have lost weight (and kept it off) adopted these five habits. It'll be your loss if you adopt them, too:

Keep Up the Carbs Most successful losers get about 49 percent or more of the calories from carbs, about 29 percent from fat, and the remainder from protein. The key is selecting the foods rich in fiber which proviies a sense of fullness. Research shows that a diet that includes 34 or more grams of fiber daily actually drops the number of calories your body takes up from your food. Over a year, this could equal a 10-pound weight loss.

Take Good Notes Most dieters typically stop bothering to write down what they eat after a few months of weight loss. But many kept a food diary for years, taking measurements and noting precise portions and calorie counts. This allows them to respond quickly to changes in their eating patterns.

Become a Morning Person In one study, 78 percent of NWCR participants reported eating breakfast every day-a habit that may help curb appetite later in the day. Research shows that breakfast eaters, especially those who start the day with cereals (a natural for fiber), have a lower body mass index than those who skip the morning meal. Plus, protein often appears in breakfast foods in its proper proportion for sating appetite.

Weigh In Routinely stepping on the scale and checking body weight is another key way to stay on the losing side. To keep that routine from becoming obsessive, don't weigh yourself more than once a week. (You might want to forgo the scale at home to resist temptation.) There are normal weight fluctuations throughout the day. To keep an accurate gauge, weigh yourself on the same day of the week, at the same time.

Keep Moving The average person in the registry is burning about 2,800 calories a week in activity." Last year, the USDA established 60 to 90 minutes as the recommended daily physical activity for those trying to maintain weight loss. Research shows that people who exercise daily on average weigh less than sedentary folks but eat more.

Click here to read the full article from Runner's World.

Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns: DON'T DO THEM!! Here's Why.

We see people doing these all the time, often they have heard that the exercise is not recommended but continue to do them anyhow. Who recommends against these? NFL trainers, the Mayo Clinic. I'll give you a link to the sources and summarize below.

Over time, performing pull downs behind the neck weakens the rotator cuff - you probably won't feel this immediately but weeks, months or years later you'll pay a high price, According to NFL trainer Dan Riley, this exercise puts the shoulder and specifically the rotator cuff muscles in a weak and vulnerable position. The shoulders are forced to rotate externally and the shoulder blades move to the center of the body, causing the external rotator cuff muscles to pull against the tight internal rotator muscles. If you work at a desk all day long your shoulders are internally rotated and the internal rotators are TIGHT! They simply are not made to bear this weight and stress. Over time they become weaker or fibrous, injury follows, and you can kiss your rotator cuff muscles goodbye. There is also risk to the cervical spine from bringing the head forward. Plus, this exercise is not even as effective in targeting the lats as pulldowns in front of the body.

Behind the neck shoulder presses and upright rows are two other exercises that should be avoided for the same reasons. When performing pulldowns and presses, keep the weight in front of the body.

Click to view a video on proper technique from The Mayo Clinic.

So, You Want To Spot Reduce? Here's How...

Besides launching millions of sit-ups, leg lifts and torso twists, the desire for a toned and taut physique has sold a long line of exercise devices of dubious worth. Countless inventions, such as vibrating belts and ''gut-busting'' contraptions, have claimed to miraculously tighten and tone our trouble spots.

But the miracles we were expecting never materialized, and our ''spots'' remained ''unreduced.'' What's wrong with spot reduction?

Where did we go wrong? In our efforts to tone our bodies we neglected the most important factor: fat. Exercises such as crunches or leg lifts improve the tone and endurance of the muscles, but they don't burn fat. When we do exercises that elevate the heart rate, such as bicycling, walking or aerobic dance, the body will draw upon its fat stores for energy.

Alternative solutions Eating a low-fat diet and following an exercise program that combines aerobic activity and strength training is the key to changing the shape of your body.

In addition to burning calories through aerobic activity, strength training will increase the amount of muscle, which burns even more calories. But many people shun the idea of intensive exercise, scared off by the idea of five-mile runs, barbells or aerobic classes.

Thankfully, any aerobic activity that elevates your heart rate can help you burn fat and take off unwanted pounds. Many experts recommend doing at least three sessions of 20 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Ideally, for long-term weight control, you should engage in at least four sessions per week, for 45 minutes each time.

ACE Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMatters magazine, Permission Granted.

Download the full article here, at the American Council on Exercise


Successful Weight Control: It's not just cutting calories

According to ACE, eating less, or cutting back on fat in your diet, won't keep the weight off. What you really need to do is strike a good balance between the number of calories you consume and the number you burn. And the only way to do that is to exercise. By exercising, you can lose weight while you eat more calories than if you simply went on a diet. Regular physical activity is much more effective at keeping the weight off in the long run than any diet.

One choice is aerobic exercise You'veprobably heard about exercise programs that turn your body into a ''fat-burning machine.'' An aerobic programcan help you lose weight more easily because it can stimulate your body and make it burn calories. Low-impact aerobics like walking, step aerobics and dance are your best bets. Some good no-impact aerobic activities you can benefit from include swimming, bicycling and rowing. Begin with as littleas 15 minutes of low-impact aerobics three times aweek. Gradually increase to 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity four times a week.

Strength training = weight management Your muscles burn calories during physical activity. What you may not know is your muscles also burncalories when your body is at rest. Increase your muscle mass, and you'll be increasing your body's capacity to burn calories both during activity and at rest.

Success means good eating and good exercise Follow a moderate low-fat diet and an exerciseprogram that combines aerobic activity and strengthtraining. That's the key to losing weight - and keeping it off. And remember, you can't lose weight overnight. Set a realistic weight-loss goal for yourself - like one to two pounds a week - eat healthy, get going on a program of regular physical activity, and you'll be delighted by what you accomplish.

ACE Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMattersmagazine, Permission Granted

The NASM OPT Model: Periodized Training and Progression

Until now, most training programs have been based mainly on the experiences and goals of body builders, coaches and athletes. There's aproliferation of scientifically unsupported trainingprograms that are not designed to meet the needs of an increasingly deconditioned and injury-prone society. NASM’s Optimum Performance Training (OPT) method is a comprehensive training program based on scientific research that provides results specific to individual needs and goals.

Assessment At the center of the OPT method is the assessment. This fitness and performance evaluation assesses an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of posture, movement, strength, flexibility and athletic performance. Before embarking on a training program, it is essential to address any existing imbalances to ensure success.

Optimum Performance Training: Individualized Program Design The OPT method provides a system for exercise selection based on the client’s needs, abilities and goals. The endless choices of exercises and the unique progressions keep every program fun, dynamic and, most importantly, successful. The Pyramid of Success represents the various stages of the revolutionary OPT method. Clients will progress through the phases of training at regular intervals, with the specific phases and progression depending on goals and progress and conditioning. Most clients will cycle between 2-4 of the 7 phases, which include the following:

Corrective Exercise Training (CET) correctsmuscle imbalances, reconditions injuries, preparesbody for training, prevents training overload,enhances adaptation, improves the body’s work capacity and improves stabilization strength. In this phase, we work with fairly low intensities, repetitions can range from 15-25.
Integrated Stabilization Training (IST) improves neuromuscular efficiency, functional strength, core strength, dynamic stabilization and functional flexibility. Exercises increasing challenge the core and balance and we work with moderate intensities, repetitions can range from 12-20.
Stabilization Equivalent Training (SET) enhances stabilization strength and endurance during functional movement while increasing muscle mass, enhancing metabolism and improving stabilization strength. SET combines a stable exercise with one done in a less stable environment, such as a machine chest press and a pushup or stability ball press, intensities increase and reps range from 8-12 or 15.
Muscular Development Training (MDT) increases muscle mass for athletes such as football players and bodybuilders. We work at higher intensities with minimal rest, and reps range from 6-12.

Maximal Strength Training (MST) improves motor-unit recruitment, motor-unit synchronization and peak force. This is the highest intensity phase, reps range from only 1-5, rest period is 3-5 minutes.
Elastic Equivalent Training (EET) enhances neuromuscular efficiency and power production, especially for athletes who need to express force quickly. Similar to SET, this phase combines a strength and maximum power exercise, ranging from 5 adn 10 reps each to 3 and 8 reps each.
Maximal Power Training (MPT) increases speed strength and creates neuromuscular adaptations through an entire range of motion. Exercises use low weight, about 5-8% of body weight, but are done at very fast speed.

Click here to read more at the website of the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Optimum Performance Training and OPT are trademarks of the National Academy of Sports Medicine


Assessing and Training for Better Posture: UPPER EXTREMITY POSTURAL DISTORTION

Part 3 of a series of 3 articles:
Some of the problems this posture can lead to include headaches, a painful nerve impingement in the shoulder, rotator cuff problems, and labored breathing or snoring. From an exercise standpoint, the body is not in an optimal position to perform many exercises such as overhead shoulder press, curls, chest press or fly, and so on. Individuals with this posture frequently mistake the soreness they experience in their upper back as muscle tightness when in fact the muscles are weak and extended - they need to be strengthened and not stretched.

For a corrective exercise program and 14 other programs, visit trainercary.com/exercise-programs 

Eating and Exercise: Time it Right to Maximize Your Workout

From the Mayo Clinic

When you eat and what you eat can affect your performance and the way you feel during your workout. To get the most from your workout, follow these guidelines:

Wake up early enough to eat a full breakfast. "Most of the energy you got from dinner last night is used up by morning," says Stephen DeBoer, a registered dietitian at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. This. "Your blood sugar is low. If you don't eat, you may feel sluggish or lightheaded while exercising." If you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, eat a smaller breakfast or drink something to raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink.
Time your meals. Eat large meals at least three to four hours before exercising. If you're having a small meal, eat two to three hours before exercising.
Don't skip meals. Skipping meals may cause low blood sugar, which can make you feel weak and lightheaded.
Eat after your workout. To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible.

What to eat: Getting the right fuel for your best performance

Carbohydrates: Your body's chief source of fuel Your body stores excess carbohydrates as glycogen — primarily in your muscles and liver. Your muscles rely on stored glycogen for energy. Cereals, breads, vegetables, pasta, rice and fruit are good carbohydrate sources. But right before an intense workout, avoid carbohydrates high in fiber, they may give you gas or cause cramping.

If you don't like to eat solid foods before exercising, drink your carbohydrates in sports beverages or fruit juices. If you're a long-distance runner or you exercise for long periods of time, you might want to consume more carbohydrates regularly and consider carbohydrate loading before a big athletic event.

Protein and fats: Important, but not your body's top fuel choice Protein isn't your body's food of choice for fueling exercise, but it does play a role in muscle repair and growth. Fat is an important, although smaller, part of your diet. Fats, along with carbohydrates, provide fuel for your muscles during exercise. Try to get most of your fat from unsaturated sources such as nuts, fatty fish or vegetable oils. Avoid fatty foods just before exercising

Water: Drink plenty to avoid dehydration The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you drink 8 glasses of water every day and more when the temperature and humidity are high. Drink at least one glass of water before and after your workout and every 10 to 15 minutes during your workout to replace fluid lost in perspiration. Avoid substituting water with coffee, tea or soda, because they contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, a substance that causes your body to lose even more water.

Water is generally the best way to replace lost fluid, unless you're exercising for more than 60 minutes. In that case, sip a sports drink to help maintain your electrolyte balance and give you a bit more energy from the carbohydrates in it.

click here to read the full story from the Mayo Clinic

Exercise and the Common Cold

It's not a cure but it won't hurt

Should you exercise when you have a cold?

Studies have found that regular, moderate exercise is effective for reducing one's risk of catching a cold. In a study of people with colds, exercise didn’t speed up recovery, it didn’t slow it down either. Unless there is fever or any serious problems, it appears the best medicine may be to continue exercising moderately while the cold runs its course.

From research published in the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, click here to read a summary from the American Council on Exercise.

Information from ACE FitFacts, permission granted.


Assessing and Training for Better Posture: Lower Extremity Postural Distortion

Part one of a series of 3 articles
Good posture is essential for the best exercise performance, and to avoid pain and injury. and in everyday life.

Flattened and externally rotated feet, Knees rotated and tilted inward...

When these postural distortions are observed while standing or performing movements, they indicate a Lower Extremity Postural Distortion. The legs are not capable of producing optimal levels of force, or of absorbing force from activities such as running.

Tight Muscles include:

  • Calves
  • Inner Thigh
  • IT Band
  • Hip Flexors

Common complaints with this postural distortion include foot pain (heel spurs or plantar fascitis), knee pain, hip pain and shin splints.

Weak muscles include:

  • Tibialis (shins)
  • Vastus Medialis (a quadricep)
  • Glutes Maximus & Medius
  • Hip External Rotators

As you can see, when a muscle is tight, its opposing muscle is weak. An effective corrective component of your exercise program will focus on strengthening the weak muscles and stretching the tight muscles.

Proper exercise selection is very important. Today, I met with member who frequently used the inner thigh machine. His knees were internally rotated indicating that this machine was not likely to produce a successful outcome for his program. Please let me know if you need help with assessment, exercise selection or program design.

Future topics: Pelvic Tilt, Protracted Shoulder, Forward leaning head

Supplements: Too Much of a Good Thing?

From the American Council on Exercise
In a perfect world, everyone would know exactly what and how much to eat for both optimal health and peak performance. Unfortunately ours is not a perfect world and most of us are left on our own to decipher the implications of current research findings or the latest nutritional fad.

Americans seem to be married to the idea that in order to achieve our goals, we must consume special dietary products in amounts not normally found in a typical diet. But while the initial promises offered by makers of these supplements are often enchanting, the actual benefits to the consumer don't necessarily live up to the advertising. Let me know if you have any specific questions, and click here to read or download a PDF of the full story.

Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMatters magazine. permission granted.


Debunking the Carbs Protein Hype

Exerpts from a Joint Position Stand of the American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada

There is no evidence that athletes need a diet significantly different than the general population
- Carbohydrates should represenet 55-58% of energy (calories)
- Protein should represent 12-15%
- Fat should represent 25-30%
- Individuals who want to gain muscle mass should consume 1.6.-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight
- Endurance trained athletes should consume 1.2- 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight
- Consumption of higher amounts is not shown to be beneficial and could cause health problems
- Carbohydrates are essential to the recovery process, they replace muscle glycogen and facilitate the repair process
- The post exercise meal should contain a mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat
- Supplements should generally not be required if sufficient nutrients are being consumed in the diet.

Losing Weight, Keeping it Off

From a position stand by the American College of Sports Medicine
ACSM recommends that the public follow these general guidelines for losing weight and keeping it off: Consult with a trained healthcare professional, consider losing weight if BMI is 25 or above, reduce caloric and fat intake, exercise 2.5 - 4.5 hours a week, and use dietary supplements/weight loss drugs only under physician supervision.

-An "energy deficit" of 500-1000 calories a day is recommended
-An effective weight-loss program must include increased energy expenditure in addition to reduced dietary intake.
-Significant health benefits can be realized with a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week; there may be advantages to increasing to 200-300 minutes per week
-Even modest reduction of 5-10% produce significant health benefits
-If energy needs exceed energy intake, weight loss will occur
-Very low calorie diets (VLCDs), used in conjunction with dietary supplements and requiring medical supervision, may increase the magnitude and rate of weight loss but probably will not improve long-term weight loss

Exercise Can Help Control Stress

People who exercise regularly will tell you they feel better.

Here are four ways exercise controls stress, according to the American Council on Exercise:

1. Exercise can help you feel less anxious. Following a session of exercise, clinicians have measured a decrease in electrical activity of tensed muscles.
2. Exercise can relax you. One exercise session generates 90 to 120 minutes of relaxation response.
3. Exercise can make you feel better about yourself. That feeling of self-worth contributes to stress relief.
4. Exercise can make you eat better. And it's no secret that good nutrition helps your body manage stress better.

Activities you can choose from:
Aerobic activity - All it takes is 20 minutes' worth, six to seven days a week.
Yoga - Recent studies have shown that when large muscle groups repeatedly contract and relax, the brain receives a signal to release specific neurotransmitters, which in turn make you feel relaxed and more alert.
Recreational sports - require the kind of vigorous activity that rids your body of stress- causing adrenaline and other hormones.

Don't try exercising in your office. Outdoors or away from the office is the best place to find a stress-free environment. Even a corporate fitness center can have too many work-related thoughts for some people.

Click here to read the whole story from the American Council on Exercise


Delayed Muscle Soreness

Why does it hurt a day or 2 later?

There are two types of exercise-related muscle soreness. Immediate muscle soreness quickly dissipates and is the pain you feel during, or immediately after, exercise. Delayed muscle soreness manifests 24 to 48 hours after the exercise session and spontaneously decreases after 72 hours.

The most current research attributes it to microscopic tears in the muscle and surrounding connective tissue following eccentric exercise. (A muscle contracts eccentrically when it lengthens under tension during exercise).

Those who experience delayed muscle soreness include conditioned individuals who increase the intensity, frequency or duration of their workouts, or participate in an activity that they are unfamiliar with. Beginning exercisers, or those who have undergone a significant lapse in training,frequently experience soreness when starting a new exercise program.

Once you induce delayed onset muscle soreness at a specific exercise intensity, you shouldn't experience that sensation again until intensity is increased. This is because delayed muscle soreness has been shown to produce a rapid adaptation response, which means that the muscles adapt to an exercise intensity.

Click to read the whole story from the American Council on Exercise.

Experts Predict Hip-Fracture Epidemic

Better nutrition, treatment now could prevent global crisis

FRIDAY, June 16 (HealthDay News) -- The world faces an epidemic of hip fractures over the next few decades as more and more people's bones weaken from osteoporosis as they age.

So conclude researchers who estimate that at least 6.3 million people worldwide will suffer a hip fracture in the year 2050 -- more than triple the 1.7 million cases recorded in 1990.

The trend toward more fractures could be turned around, however, if doctors and the public take advantage of what's known about osteoporosis prevention. One key preventive strategy: "We should be looking at the younger population to maximize calcium," said Dr. Joseph Fetto, associate professor of orthopedics at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases.

NOTE: This is another reason why training for balance and stabilization is very important, particularly for adults past 50 and 60 years old.

Click here to read the full article at MSN Health News


Eating and Exercise:
Time it Right to Maximize Your Workout

When you eat and what you eat can affect your performance and the way you feel during your workout. To get the most from your workout, follow these guidelines:

•Wake up early enough to eat a full breakfast. "Most of the energy you got from dinner last night is used up by morning," says Stephen DeBoer, a registered dietitian at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. This. "Your blood sugar is low. If you don't eat, you may feel sluggish or lightheaded while exercising." If you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, eat a smaller breakfast or drink something to raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink.
•Time your meals. Eat large meals at least three to four hours before exercising. If you're having a small meal, eat two to three hours before exercising.
•Don't skip meals. Skipping meals may cause low blood sugar, which can make you feel weak and lightheaded.
•Eat after your workout. To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible.

What to eat: Getting the right fuel for your best performance
Carbohydrates: Your body's chief source of fuel Your body stores excess carbohydrates as glycogen — primarily in your muscles and liver. Your muscles rely on stored glycogen for energy. Cereals, breads, vegetables, pasta, rice and fruit are good carbohydrate sources. But right before an intense workout, avoid carbohydrates high in fiber, they may give you gas or cause cramping. If you don't like to eat solid foods before exercising, drink your carbohydrates in sports beverages or fruit juices. If you're a long-distance runner or you exercise for long periods of time, you might want to consume more carbohydrates regularly and consider carbohydrate loading before a big athletic event.
Protein and fats: Important, but not your body's top fuel choice Protein isn't your body's food of choice for fueling exercise, but it does play a role in muscle repair and growth. Fat is an important, although smaller, part of your diet. Fats, along with carbohydrates, provide fuel for your muscles during exercise. Try to get most of your fat from unsaturated sources such as nuts, fatty fish or vegetable oils. Avoid fatty foods just before exercising
Water: Drink plenty to avoid dehydration The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you drink 8 glasses of water every day and more when the temperature and humidity are high. Drink at least one glass of water before and after your workout and every 10 to 15 minutes during your workout to replace fluid lost in perspiration. Avoid substituting water with coffee, tea or soda, because they contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, a substance that causes your body to lose even more water.
Water is generally the best way to replace lost fluid, unless you're exercising for more than 60 minutes. In that case, sip a sports drink to help maintain your electrolyte balance and give you a bit more energy from the carbohydrates in it.

click here to read the full story from the Mayo Clinic

Warm Up to Work Out

from the American Council on Exercise
ACE asks "Suppose you were told that you only had to add an extra five to 10 minutes to each of your workouts in order to prevent injury and lessen fatigue. Would you do it?" Those few extra minutes are called a warm-up.
A gradual warm-up:- Leads to efficient calorie burning by increasing your core body temperature - Produces faster, more forceful muscle contractions - Increases your metabolic rate so oxygen is delivered to the working muscles more quickly - Prevents injuries by improving the elasticity of your muscles - Gives you better muscle control by speeding up your neural message pathways to the muscles - Allows you to work out comfortably longer because all your energy systems are able to adjust to exercise, preventing the buildup of lactic acid in the blood - Improves joint range of motion - Psychologically prepares you for higher intensities by increasing your arousal and focus on exercise
Your warm-up should consist of two phases: 1) progressive aerobic activity that utilizes the muscles you will be using during your workout, and 2) flexibility exercises. Stretching muscles after warming them up with low-intensity aerobic activity will produce a better stretch since the rise in muscle temperature and circulation increases muscle elasticity, making them more pliable.
For more information click here to read the whole story from the American Council on Exercise.



Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the petition: "Moratorium on Confiscation of Cellular Phones in NYC Public Schools." Many of our kids are latchkey kids who travel long distances by bus and subways and return to an empty home, the cell phones are essential for their safety and our piece of mind. Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 5,000 signatures - please sign here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/703432746
Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!
Cary Raffle


The Best Butt Exercises

New Research from the American Council on Exercise on the Most Effective Exercise for your Glutes

Quadruped Hip Extensions - On your hands and knees, slightly contract your abdominals to stabilize your torso and spine. Lift one leg up, keeping the knee bent at 90 degrees. Lift the leg until the bottom of the foot is pointing toward the ceiling and the leg is lined up with the body. Repeat on the same side for eight to 12 reps. Change legs.
Step-Ups - Stand with good posture behind a tall step or box [approximately 15 inches (38 cm) high] while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Place your left foot on top and transfer your weight to that leg. Push down with your left foot (especially the heel), straightening your leg, to come up on top of the box. Use the left leg only; keep the right leg passive, especially as you initiate the step-up. Repeat on the same side for eight to 12 reps. Change legs.
Lunges - Hold a dumbbell in each hand, standing tall with good posture. Step forward with the right foot, keeping the head up and spine neutral. Drop your left knee toward the floor by bending knees, making sure to keep the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot. Push down and forward through your heel to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, alternating for eight to 12 reps per side.
Four-Way Hip Extensions - Stand upright and grasp the stabilizing bar of the machine. The resistance pad should be placed at the knee on the back side of the exercising leg. Move your thigh to the rear until your hip is fully extended backward. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps and change sides.
Click here to Read the complete study results from the January/February 2006 edition of ACE Fitness Matters magazine.

Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMatters® magazine permission granted.

Interval training: Can it boost your calorie-burning power?

Do you wish you could burn more calories without spending more time at the gym? Consider aerobic interval training.
Interval training is simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity.

You'll burn more calories.
You'll improve your aerobic capacity.
You'll keep boredom at bay.
You don't need special equipment.

After warming up, you might increase the intensity for 30 seconds and then resume your normal pace. The next burst of more intense activity may last two to three minutes. "The intervals can vary throughout your workout," says Tom Allison, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.. "How much you pick up the pace, how often and for how long is up to you." A personal trainer or other expert can help you time the intensity and duration of your intervals based on your target heart rate, the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your muscles (peak oxygen intake) and other factors.

Interval training isn't appropriate for everyone. If you have a chronic health condition or haven't been exercising regularly, consult your doctor before trying any type of interval training. Also keep the risk of overuse injury in mind. If you rush into a strenuous workout before your body is ready, you may hurt your muscles, tendons or bones. Instead, start slowly. Try just one or two higher intensity intervals during each workout at first. If you think you're overdoing it, slow down. For more information click here to read the whole story at the Mayo Clinic website.


When To Replace Training Shoes?

Every 3-6 months or 300-500 miles
One of the first questions I ask a runner or walker who complains of aches such as shin splints, knee pain or foot pain is how old their running shoes are. When you run, every time you land your shoes absorb 3 to 5 times the weight of your body. Over time, the cushioning breaks down and instead of the shoes absorbing this impact, it is absorbed by your joints and muscles.
Sweat, heat and time also cause the shoes to lose some of their cushioning and resiliency - so getting a good deal on a closeout shoe that has been sitting in a warehouse for 2 years may not be a bargain over the long run. If you have been working out indoors all winter, the shoes may look great but the cushioning is probably worn down. Some of us develop an emotional attachment to their sneakers - a model or color that has gone out of production, a pair of shoes that they ran a great race in, or in some cases an attachment to the idea that they haven’t fallen apart so they must be okay. Go ahead, trade them in, you’ll feel so much better that you’ll forget about them in no time at all.
The American Podiatric Medical Association recommends that you trade in your trainers every 300-500 miles or 3-6 months. They also suggest rotating 2 or more pairs of shoes, which gives shoes a chance to breathe and to recover their cushioning properties in between use. They have some helpful tips on how to find the right pair of sneakers, cli ck here to read more.

Slow Burn: How Aging Affects Metabolism

by Marin Gazzaniga for MSN Health & Fitness
If you think you’ve put on a few extra pounds because your metabolism has slowed down, you may be only half right. Barry Stein of Wake Forest University School of Medicine is writing a book about staying fit after 50. As he explains, “As we age, we are subject to sarcopenia—muscle wasting. Since muscle burns more energy than fat, this means the metabolic load goes down and metabolism reflects that.” That is, if you do nothing about your loss of muscle with age, it will take you longer to burn off a candy bar at age 60 than at 20.

Twins Tammy and Lyssie Lakotos, authors of Fire Up Your Metabolism, recommend both cardiovascular activity and weight training. “Cardiovascular activity burns calories while you do it. Additionally, you could burn about 20-30 additional calories afterwards, which may not seem like a big amount daily, but adds up over a lifetime,” says Tammy Lakotos. Strength training is effective long after you’ve put down the barbells because muscle burns more calories than fat while you’re at rest.

For more information on how to burn more calories at any age, click here for the full story.

What's a TransFat?

An overview from the American Heart Association
Trans fat (also called trans fatty acids) is formed when liquid vegetable oils go through a chemical process called hydrogenation, in which hydrogen is added to make the oils more solid. Hydrogenated vegetable fats are used by food processors because they allow longer shelf-life and give food desirable taste, shape, and texture. Evidence suggests that consumption of trans fat raises LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, causing the arteries to become clogged and increasing the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. To read the full story about transfats and other fats, click here.



The truth is, each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Free weights advantages:
- incorporate the stabilizing muscles
- tend to more closely match the movement patterns you're likely to need
- are more versatile.
Free weights disadvantages:
- you must learn to balance the weight ... this can be potentially dangerous
- to target the muscle you want, you must use very precise technique
- free weights can be swung for momentum rather than lifted slowly and steadily, which works the muscles better
- training alone can lead to injury
Machine advantages:
- generally safer and easier to use, an advantage for beginners
- some machines are more efficient than free weights at isolating
- machines ensure correct movements for a lift which helps prevent cheating when muscle fatigue sets in
Machine disadvantages:
- Most machines involve moving a weight along a predetermined path, making it difficult to strengthen the stabilizer muscles
- Most machines are geared to the average- sized person

Experienced exercisers may want to use free weights because of the additional training benefits they offer. That said, the combination of both free weights and machines can add variety to your workout. Using machines may also be easier and less discouraging if you’re a novice, because free weights require some coordination to use. To read the full story from the American Council on Exercise, click here.


by Liz Neporent, M.A., for iVillage
Your New Year's resolution will be a bust if ... - You base your goal on a fleeting thought.- Your goals are vague or general.- You have no plans to make it happen.
Your New Year's resolution will be a success if ... - You have a strong initial commitment.- You have a way to cope when the going gets rough. - You keep track of your progress
To read the full story and details, click here for MSN health and fitness.


Is your Group or Company Interested in hosting a FREE Fitness Seminar?

Tips on assessment, fitness myths and how to begin a program at any level...NYSC Pro Trainer Ashley Miller and I recently presented a 45 minute seminar at NYSC Wall Street with insights from NYSC and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Please contact me to host our powerpoint presentation at your location, and help your co-workers, employees or members meet their fitness goals.



Join me for a demonstration of this state of the art functional training system, RSVP 917.603.3813. As beautiful as it is functional, KINESIS moves freely from any position as in everyday life, allowing us to train for balance, stabilization, endurance, flexibility, and coordination. On Kinesis, you can train to maintain good posture through a full range of motion, and to generate power while moving --- improving your performance on the slopes, tennis court as well as in everyday life. Kinesis systems are available at only 12 locations in North America and can only be used under the supervision of a trained professional. I am pleased to be among the initial group of NYSC trainers to have completed the Functional Training Progression course necessary to use Kinesis. Contact me if you are interested in experiencing KINESIS.


Tackling holiday weight woes

Small gains can be big problem all year
NEW YORK (CNN) -- "The good news is it's not as bad as we thought," said Dr. Jack Yanovski, the study's principal investigator and head of NICHD's Unit on Growth and Obesity. "The bad news is that it's hard to take off that weight the rest of the year."
Although it's not easy to shed holiday weight gain, experts say there are ways to keep the pounds from piling on in the first place. Figuring out a game plan is the first and most important step, said Judith Stern, co-founder and vice president of the American Obesity Association (AOA). Small changes can make a big difference, Stifler said. Switching from regular to diet soda can result in losing 6 to 8 pounds in a year's time, he said. Using mustard instead of mayonnaise or walking even 20 minutes a day also can help. Using smaller plates (thus, having smaller portions) and getting rid of leftovers after grand holiday meals also help the cause, added Stern. Another key is resisting pressure from friends and relatives to eat unhealthy foods. "You have to decide what you want to do, you can't be sabotaged," said Stern. "It's an extreme way of saying, 'I am in charge, please everybody help me.'" Fink also cautions against people who are too restrictive or who swear off certain foods (for instance, no cookies or no pies). This can lead to a vicious cycle of restricting a certain food, then eating it, then feeling bad or angry about what you did and in turn eating to make yourself feel better..
Read the full story here at CNN.com

Periodized Training - And Why It's Import

Lately, no matter how hard or how often you work out; you just can't seem to progress any further. You’re stuck on a plateau. It turns out that the exercise you've been doing has worked so well that your body has adapted to it. You need to ''shock'' or ''surprise'' your body a bit. You need to give it a new challenge periodically if you’re going to continue to make gains.
That goes for both strength and cardiovascular training. ''Periodizing'' your training is the key. Instead of doing the same routine month after month, you change your training program at regular intervals or ''periods'' to keep your body working harder, while still giving it adequate rest. For example, you can alter your strength-training program by adjusting the following variables: - The number of repetitions per set, or number of sets of each exercise - The amount of resistance used - The rest period between sets, exercises or training sessions - The order of the exercises, or the type of exercises - The speed at which you complete each exercise
Periodized training will ensure that you continue to make measurable progress, which will keep you energized and interested in reaching your goals. To read the full story click here.
Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMatters® magazine permission granted.


Core exercises: Beyond your average abs routine

from the Mayo Clinic
"A well-balanced core exercise routine focuses on more than your abs. Did you know that your core is where all movement in your body originates? Core exercises are an important part of overall fitness training that, except for the occasional sit-up or crunch, are often neglected. Core strengthening requires the regular and proper exercise of your body's 29 core muscles. Body position and alignment are crucial when performing core exercises. When you get started it is a good idea to have a fitness trainer or physical therapist help you perfect your techinique. For the full story click here.


Tips to Stay Fit During the Holidays from ACE

The Average Thanksgiving Meal has 3,000 Calories and 229 Grams of Fat. The American Council on Exercise Recommends:

You can make up for a feast of rich, higher- fat foods with lighter, lower-fat meals for the next couple of days. Plan for the big meal that day with a low-calorie, low-fat breakfast and lunch. Never skip meals, just limit them.
Look back and assess your diet over the past few days by recording your caloric intake with a food diary. Have you been over-indulging at recent party feasts? Are there additional celebrations looming? Try eating sensibly in order to afford the extra calories come meal time.
Don’t panic or feel guilty if your diet seems to have gotten out of hand. When you balance your intake over several days, you have ample time to regain control.
Make physical activity a regular habit. Beyond burning calories, exercise is essential for good health, stress management (oftentimes a challenge during the busy holiday season) and overall well-being. Working out consistently will help jump-start your metabolism allowing you to burn more of those calories from your holiday binge.
Have a salad, light soup or some fruit and veggies before leaving home or prior to your meal. This way you will feel fuller and less likely to overeat.
Select only your favorite foods at a holiday buffet and let other guests enjoy traditional fare like nuts, rolls and sweet potatoes.
Practice portion control. A smaller serving of the real thing can be very satisfying and calorie-trimming.
For the full story click here

Fit Facts are reprinted from ACE FitnessMatters® magazine permission granted.



A growing body of evidence indicates breakfast is good for your health. "Studies show that people who eat breakfast —
especially a healthy breakfast — are more likely to:
- Consume more vitamins & minerals and less fat & cholesterol during the day:
- Have more strength and endurance;
- Have better concentration and be more productive throughout the morning;
- Control their weight;
- Have lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease;
Click here to read about breakfast and healthy suggestions from the Mayo Clinic.

For those interested in a body-builder's perspective on the importance of breakfast, read Danielle Nagel's article and protein fortified fruit pancake recipe at Bodybuilding.com.



The more total calories you burn the more fat you lose

"It's true that the body burns a higher percentage of calories from fat during more mellow exercise like walking and easy cycling. But, when you pick up the pace for a higher-intensity cardio workout, you burn a greater number of overall calories (which should be your focus for weight loss) and subsequently just as much total fat. What's more, high-intensity exercise kicks your metabolism into high gear even after you're done working out." Accoding to Prevention Magazine Fitness Director Michele Stanton. Read all about it here.



"While a couple of snacks are a good thing during the day -- they give your metabolism a little boost so you burn calories, they give you an energy lift, and they help you spread out your calories so you don’t overeat at any one meal -- late-night snacking is one of the worst habits you can get into. Read the full story and some solutions by clicking here.



Researchers from the American Council on Exercise recruited 30 men and women of different fitness levels and tested the effectiveness of many different abdominal exercises and machines, using electromyography equipment to measure muscle activity .
The three best:
- Bicycles
- Captain’s Chair (Knee Raises)
- Crunches on a Stability Ball
Although crunches on a ball generated less activity in the obliques and rectus abdominus (6 pack muscle) than the top two exercises, the exercise also generated significantly less activity in the rectus femoris (a quadricep/hip flexor) – making it, arguably, the best overall exercise of the lot, the report says. The Ab Roller was proven to be virtually no more effective than the traditional crunch while the AB Rocker was shown to be up to 80 percent less effective. To read the whole report, click here.


The Truth About Rice Cakes, Bagels & Snack Bars . . .
Many of the snacks we believe are good for us contain ingredients that are actually unhealthy, experts caution. Marketing is often to blame, explains Rick Hall, who teaches nutrition at Arizona State University. “They’re packaged to look healthy, sometimes almost in a devious way, but it comes down to the consumer’s lack of knowledge, too,” Hall says. To help raise your awareness, this article reveals nine snacks we often misconstrue, along with some truly healthy alternatives, click here to read it.


Here are some planning resources from the US Government

STEP 1 - Click here to Determine Your Daily Caloric Needs To take off one pound per week, you'll need to reduce calories by 500 per day. (One pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories.) Try eating 250 calories less per day and exercising enough to burn 250 calories— like walking about 2.5 miles each day. The easiest way to cut back on calories is to watch your portion sizes.
STEP 2 - Click here to see a sample menu that provides 2000 calories a day . It gives one example of how all of the recommendations for food group and nutrient intake can be integrated into a weekly menu.



from the Fit by Friday area of iVillage.com
Here are some simple rules and lots of good free weight control information from Liz Neporent, a fitness writer who had written for the New York Times as well as other leading publications:
1. Give both eating habits and exercise top billing
2. Portion control is key
3. Walking works
4. Keep a Journal
5. Drink Up
6. Graze, don't Gorge
7. Lose the quick-fix mentality.
Read the whole article here.



The average life expectancy of a woman who is about 45 today is almost 82! The good news is that you have a long life ahead, and plenty of years to work on becoming the best that you can be. The bad news is if you aren't happy with your condition or appearance or have any muscle pains or problems, they are going to be with you for a long time to come.

Ashley Miller and I presented a 2 hour course to members of the Women in Policing Foundation at the New York Police Academy, addressing the needs of this important group. Feel free to contact me for information on how to schedule a presentation to your group, call 917 603 3813.



And don't forget that fat burns in the flame of carbohydrates!
When it comes to cutting calories, breakfast is often the first thing to go. But new research suggests that people who are successful at losing weight - and, more importantly, keeping it off - eat breakfast every day. Researchers from the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center analyzed data on nearly 3,000 people who had lost, on average, 70 pounds and kept it off for a year or more. Study subjects were enrolled in the National Weight Control Registry, an ongoing study of adults who have successfully lost 30 pounds or more. Only four percent said they never eat breakfast every day. It is not known what subjects ate for breakfast (although the study was funded by General Mills), but most followed a high- carbohydrate, low-fat diet. Researchers speculate that eating breakfast helps people manage both their hunger and food intake throughout the day.
Source: Conference of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition, February 26, 2002, San Diego, Calif.


Regular checkups and age appropriate screenings can help to improve your health and extend your life and those of your loved ones. Get the info on what to check for and when -for both men and women - in this booklet from the Men's Health Network.


Summaries from 2 important articles

It probably won't shock you to learn that larger waists mean greater heart disease risk. Where the extra pounds lie may make a difference. Larger waists, or an "apple" shape, indicate abdominal fat. Fat around the hips and thighs is often described as a "pear" shape. Studies have linked abdominal fat to more health problems, including increased risk of diabetes and breast cancer. Now, scientists have pinpointed the exact numbers to watch out for: Men: 35 or below, Women: 33 or below. Read more here.

A man's waist size seems to be a strong indicator of adult onset diabetes risk. Johns Hopkins scientists reviewed data from 27,270 men tracked over 13 years Compared to those with the smallest waists, 29-34 inches, men with larger waist sizes were at least twice as likely to have diabetes. Those with the largest waist size -- 40 inches and above -- were up to 12 times more likely to have Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes, the kind associated with obesity. Read more here.


While exercise is an important component of any wellness program, it's only part of the equation. What you eat, how much you eat and when you eat it are critical to overall health, and especially important to get the most out of any fitness regimen.

1. EATING TOO MUCH PROTEIN AND NOT ENOUGH CARBOHYDRATES. Our muscles' endurance and performance comes from the glycogen in carbohydrates.
4. WAITING TOO LONG AFTER EXERCISE TO EAT. For optimal recovery, it's best to eat 30 minutes to two hours after exercise.
6. TRUSTING THE ACCURACY OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LABELS AND CLAIMS. "The FDA doesn't regulate any of the supplements so it's the Wild West out there in health food stores. "
7. NOT CONSUMING THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF CALORIES FOR THE AMOUNT OF ACTIVITY YOU DO. Your calorie intake should be sufficient to support your active lifestyle, but not so abundant that weight control becomes a challenge.
9. NOT DRINKING THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF FLUIDS. Dehydration can be a serious problem, especially during warm humid weather.

Read about it here.



by Cary Raffle
Pro Trainer, New York Sports Clubs, NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Copyright ©2005 Cary Raffle
We want results. We don’t have much time. And we want value. That’s why circuit training with supersets is working for my clients and me.

Circuit training involves a series of different exercises done one after another, with a brief rest period in between, like XPRESSline® at New York Sports Clubs. Circuit training is popular because it efficiently uses time, and can burn more calories than other workouts because there is limited rest. The National Academy of Sports Medicine says that circuit training is ideal for individuals trying to alter their body composition. The increased activity level and volume can help you to lose weight faster.

A superset combines sets of two or more different exercises, often for the same muscle group, with no pause to rest in between. By combining two exercises for the same muscle group into a superset, such as a chest press followed by pectoral flies, it is possible to work the muscles longer and harder before tiring or risking injury, compared to a single exercise.

NASM recommends a superset of a more stable exercise followed by a less stable exercise, such as bench press and push up, to increase stabilization endurance, muscle growth (hypertrophy), and strength. NASM recommends supersetting a strength and power exercise, for example a hack squat followed by an explosive jump squat, to train for increased power.

Other variations of the superset include compound sets and peripheral heart action. In compound sets, opposing muscle groups, such as biceps/triceps, chest/back or hamstrings/quadriceps, are worked without rest in between. The muscle recovers as the opposing muscle is being worked. Peripheral heart action combines an upper and lower body exercise, such as shoulder or chest and legs. It is recommended for individuals with cardiovascular problems, but can be beneficial to all.

Superset-circuit training combines these into an intense almost non-stop workout that maximizes the value of your training sessions. It is a technique that can be used by most people, depending on their goals, ranging from beginners to the experienced and conditioned. At NYSC, I have incorporated it into sessions on XPRESSline, and used it with my most conditioned clients. Superset-circuit training can allow you to do a higher volume of training in a shorter period of time, and burn more calories per hour than most traditional work-outs.

To build a workout or program using Superset-Circuit Training, the workout is broken into a series of mini circuits consisting of exercises that are appropriate to the individual’s goals and fitness levels. Often, the specifics will be pre-determined by the location of desired equipment within the exercise facility.

Superset-Circuit Training can be strenuous, so it is important to be mindful of the heart rate, especially among beginners. Some will approach their cardio training zone in the circuit. Use a heart rate monitor or rate of perceived exertion (i.e., if you feel really winded or tired it is time to rest), take breaks when needed since they do not occur naturally.

The charts below illustrate some simple mini-circuits that can be incorporated into programs at varying fitness levels.
1) Increased Shoulder Muscle and Leg Power
Lateral Raise/8-10 x 3
Hack Squat/15 x 3
Jump Squat/20 x 3

2) Endurance & Stabilization Strength,General Conditioning
Bench Press/12-15 x 2
Pectoral Fly on Ball/12-15 x 2
Lunge w/dumbells/20 x 2

3) General Conditioning, Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy)
Cable Bicep Curl/8-15 x 3
Cable Tricep Pull/8-15 x 3
Lunge w/dumbells (optional)/20 x 2

4) General Conditioning, Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy), Weight Loss
Leg Extension (Quadricep)/15 x 2
Hamstring Curl/15 x 2
Step Ups w/Bicep Curl or Lateral Raise/20 x 2

For more information please contact: Cary Raffle 917.603.3813


Cast Iron Skillet Chicken
2 Tbsps Olive Oil, 1 Chopped Onion, 2-3 cloves garlic, 1/2 Chopped Green or Red Pepper, About 6 Mushrooms sliced in chunks
1-2 Tbsp each Oregano + Basil, 1-2 Tsp each Paprika + Black Pepper, a few pinches of salt (to taste)
1 Cup Rice, 4-6 Chicken Breasts, 1 Can 16-19 oz Black Beans, 1 Can 28 oz Crushed Tomatoes (or use tomato sauce), 2-3 cups water
Preaheat oven to 350. On stovetop, heat the skillet and oil, add the onions and saute until soft and lightly brown. Lower heat, add the garlic mushrooms and peppers, saute til soft. (if not using a cast iron skillet, transfer the contents of pan to a baking dish once sauteed).
Spinkle half the seasonings and mix in with the sauteed vegetables. Add rice, beans, top with chicken. Sprinkle remaining seasonings on top and pour tomatoes over all. Add one cup water. Cover the skillet with aluminum foil and place it in the oven for about 25 minutes, watch to make sure it remains moist and add more water as needed. After 25 minutes, remove the foil and cook another 10-15 minutes, til rice is soft. While cooking, continue to add water to keep the rice moist. Remove from oven and allow a few minutes to cool.

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