
Delayed Muscle Soreness

Why does it hurt a day or 2 later?

There are two types of exercise-related muscle soreness. Immediate muscle soreness quickly dissipates and is the pain you feel during, or immediately after, exercise. Delayed muscle soreness manifests 24 to 48 hours after the exercise session and spontaneously decreases after 72 hours.

The most current research attributes it to microscopic tears in the muscle and surrounding connective tissue following eccentric exercise. (A muscle contracts eccentrically when it lengthens under tension during exercise).

Those who experience delayed muscle soreness include conditioned individuals who increase the intensity, frequency or duration of their workouts, or participate in an activity that they are unfamiliar with. Beginning exercisers, or those who have undergone a significant lapse in training,frequently experience soreness when starting a new exercise program.

Once you induce delayed onset muscle soreness at a specific exercise intensity, you shouldn't experience that sensation again until intensity is increased. This is because delayed muscle soreness has been shown to produce a rapid adaptation response, which means that the muscles adapt to an exercise intensity.

Click to read the whole story from the American Council on Exercise.

Experts Predict Hip-Fracture Epidemic

Better nutrition, treatment now could prevent global crisis

FRIDAY, June 16 (HealthDay News) -- The world faces an epidemic of hip fractures over the next few decades as more and more people's bones weaken from osteoporosis as they age.

So conclude researchers who estimate that at least 6.3 million people worldwide will suffer a hip fracture in the year 2050 -- more than triple the 1.7 million cases recorded in 1990.

The trend toward more fractures could be turned around, however, if doctors and the public take advantage of what's known about osteoporosis prevention. One key preventive strategy: "We should be looking at the younger population to maximize calcium," said Dr. Joseph Fetto, associate professor of orthopedics at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases.

NOTE: This is another reason why training for balance and stabilization is very important, particularly for adults past 50 and 60 years old.

Click here to read the full article at MSN Health News

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