
Workout at Home with Little or No Equipment:

Still not ready to return to the gym? Good news, you can ​ Improve your mental and physical state Overcome the effects of sitting and isolation And get a good workout that won’t break you! ​ The Shelter At Home Workout will show you exercise examples and explain how to adapt them to the equipment that you have available, and the level of difficulty that you need. ​ I'm available for remote training by video if you need online help getting started or personal training in the Brooklyn area, contact me cary@trainercary.com or 917-603-3813 Or try it on your own - learn more by following the links to ShelterAtHomeWorkout.com where you will find: The Shelter At Home Workout Chest Press with Litttle or No Weight Cary quoted on Livestrong.com '5 Ways to Make an Exercise Harder Without Buying Heavier Dumbbells'

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